Call Us Today
11013 SR 33 • Groveland, Florida 34736
License FL EC0002347
Innovative Solutions
From the latest in LED and USB technologies to modern conveniences that will make your life easier, South Lake Electric has the solutions you need.
LED Lighting
Did you know that LED lighting can save you 75% or more compared to traditional lighting? South Lake Electric has LED solutions for interior and exterior applications including, whole room and flood lighting, accent lighting and special effect color change lighting to give your home or office a unique look.
Soffet Outlets
South Lake Electric can install electrical outlets directly into your soffets, making the installation of Christmas and other holiday lighting a snap!
HDTV Mounting
Do you have a new flat screen TV that you would love to have wall mounted but you don’t have outlets in the right place? South Lake Electric can install new outlets for your power and other recepticles, behind your TV mount out of sight, conveniently hiding all those ugly cables.
Contact Us for More Information!
For more information about innovative solutions,
call our office or email us today!
Fax 352.429.4724
11013 SR 33
Groveland, Florida 34736